Announcements- August 18, 2024
Church Office
The new Christian Education program will begin in September. Topic: Practicing the Way (8 Sessions). Date: September 8 - October 27 on Sundays 11:00 am- 12:00pm in Room E. Please register on . Those who have already registered on Universe do not need to register again.
“Active in Mission” fundraising event. The church is excited to join forces with other churches in the Canadian Baptist family to combat hunger in the world. Everyone at Westside Baptist Church is encouraged to participate. Please refer to the link for how to participate in the second phase (from August 4 to August 31, 2024).
Monthly Bulletin is now posted on the bulletin board and church website. It consists of financial report and summary of the board meeting.
The church and Canadian Blood Services will hold a blood donation event at the blood donation center at 4750 Oak St on September 28 at 1:00 pm. Brothers and sisters are encouraged to register online. Child minding service is available for parents. For details, please refer to the bulletin board or contact Jessica Ho.
2025-2027 Deaconship Election
Nomination Committee members:
Deacon Rep: Michael Chau, Daisy Liu, Winnie Mak
Congregational Rep: James Lai, Tsz-Lam Mak, Jenny Tse
Criteria and procedure for deacon election has been posted on the bulletin board.
All nominees are to be approved and recommended by the nomination committee.
Nomination commences: August 10 Saturday
Nomination closes: September 29 Sunday
Publication of final deaconship candidates list: October 12+13
Deaconship election: November 2+3