Announcements - October 9, 2022
Church Office
We have resumed accepting cash and cheque offerings, please use the offering envelope and put it in the offering bag during worship. However, donations through E-transfer are still welcome, email:
The monthly bulletin, including the summary of the September deacon board summary and the financial report, has already been posted on the church website and bulletin board. Please refer to it for important notices.
There is a "potluck" luncheon right after worship today. You are welcome to bring your own lunch to share with each other.
2023-2025 Deaconship Election
Current deacon board members: James Lai, Daisy Liu, Samuel Leung, Benjamin Mak, Tommy Tung, Jackson Yu, Joyce Yu.
Samuel Leung (1st term) of deaconship will be completed by the end of 2022. Therefore, we will have one vacancy in 2023 deacon board.
Nomination Committee members:
Deacon board Rep: James Lai, Daisy Liu, Benjamin Mak
Congregation Rep: Carson Lai, Lily Liu, Ricky Yu
Criteria and procedure for deacon election has been posted on the bulletin board.
All nominees are to be approved and recommended by the nomination committee.
Nomination commences August 28
Nomination closes October 2
Publication of final deaconship candidate list October 16
Deaconship election November 6
Fall Congregational Meeting
Date: November 6, 2022
Time: 1:00pm
Venue: Westside Baptist Church, Main Hall
Deacon election for 2023-2025 (Details to be announced).
Recommending Pastor Mark to become a “credentialed minister” in the credentialing process with CBWC.
Bylaw changes, please download the following link for the proposed changes ( ) .
Any Other Business.