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Announcements - October 16, 2022


Church Office

  • EM prayer meetings are held every Sunday at 10:30 am in Room E. All are encouraged and welcome to attend.

  • We have resumed accepting cash and cheque offerings, please use the offering envelope and put it in the offering bag during worship. However, donations through E-transfer are still welcome, email:

  • The monthly bulletin, including the summary of the September deacon board summary and the financial report, has already been posted on the church website and bulletin board. Please refer to it for important notices. 

  • Joseph Ng has begun his Master of Divinity studies at Carey Theological College.  So as of November, he will be a pastoral intern at Westside taking part in various ministries in CM and EM.

  • Deacon nomination has been closed. We have finalized with one candidate. Please read the profile of the candidate and continue to pray for this process. Nomination will take place on November 6.

  • Deaconship candidate’s profile as follow: Carson Lai is a Computer Engineer. He currently serves as a Praise Team leader in the English Ministry, a small group leader and an offering counter. He served in the AWANA ministry for many years previously. Carson received Christ in 2007 and was baptised at Westside in 2008. His parents, Hugo and Lorinda Lai, are also members of Westside.

  • Fall Congregational Meeting (Members please pick up a copy of the agenda at the foyer and sign for receipt)

    • Date: November 6, 2022

    • Time: 1:00pm

    • Venue: Westside Baptist Church, Main Hall

    • Agenda (please pick up the agenda at the foyer, sign for receipt):

      1. Deacon election for 2023-2025.

      2. Recommending Pastor Mark to become a “credentialed minister” in the credentialing process with CBWC.

      3. Bylaw changes, please download the following link for the proposed changes ( ) .

      4. Any Other Business.

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