Announcements - May 14, 2023
Church Office
EM prayer meetings are held every Sunday at 10:30 am in the church office. All are encouraged and welcome to attend.
Welcome all who are new to Westside. If you want to know more about Westside or our small groups, please get in touch with Pastor Gladys or Pastor Mark. If you have not yet taken a photo and if you want your photo to appear in the foyer, don't hesitate to contact Daniel Ng after service.
CitRUs Children's Ministry is now recruiting new leaders. Please get in touch with Pastor Alan if you are interested in joining the ministry.
Please be reminded of the following:
CitRUs parents are reminded to look after their kids after signing them out from the classroom.
The only two designated funds of the church are Missions Fund and Theological Education Fund. All other donations will go to the General Fund.
Donating physical items to the church must first be approved and accepted by the deacon board.
All personal or organizational fundraising conducted in the church context must first be approved by the deacon board.
Pets are not allowed inside the church building except for service animals.
Since CBWC will increase their loan interest from 4.75% to 5.25% effective May 1, 2023, the church has repaid all CBWC loan in full in order to save on interest payment.