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Announcement - September 24th, 2023


Church Office

  • To be considerate of your neighbours‭, ‬please do not park outside the residential area‭.‬

  • The monthly bulletin‭ ‬, including the summary of the deacon board meeting and the financial report, has already been posted on the bulletin board and the church‭ ‬website‭. ‬Please check out for important notices‭.‬

  • EM Community Luncheon‭ ‬will be held on Sunday‭, ‬October 8th, after English Worship‭.  ‬No matter if you are new or have been at WBC for an extended period of time‭, ‬we extend our invitation to you‭.  ‬Please register with your Small Group Leader or with Pastor Mark‭.‬

  • EM prayer meetings‭ ‬are held every Sunday at 10:30‭ ‬a.m. at Room D‭ (‬the library‭). ‬All are encouraged and welcome to attend‭. ‬

  • WBC 101‭ ‬is a program for those who would like to join the church through baptism or transfer to become a member‭. ‬If you would like to join Westside as a member‭, ‬please register at‭ ‬ ‬We will start the class and arrange a suitable time for the course when there are enough people showing interest‭. ‬For those who are interested in taking WBC101‭, ‬please see Pastor Mark after the service‭.‬

  • A congregational meeting‭ ‬will be held on October 15‭ ‬at‭ ‬1:00 p.m. and the agenda is as follows‭:‬

    1. 2024-2026‭ ‬Deacon election

    2. Senior Pastor appointment‭ ‬

    3. Any Other Business

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